LAST UPDATE: 15 February 2025
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Gag and Vomit
64.40 USD 23.00 USD 53.20 EUR 19.00 EUR 47.60 GBP 17.00 GBP 6832.00 JPY 2440.00 JPY

In the first part, Leslie is waiting for her girlfriend Iohana Alves to come from the street with her lunch because she is very hungry. When Iohana arrives, she gets happy, but it is in vain, because Iohana says she ate everything on her way home and all they can do is to eat each other?s vomit. On the sequence, Chris calls Adrielli to go to sleep, but Adrielli wants to masturbate herself using her dildo, but there is one thing: her dildo is as big as her girlfriend Chris?s and that will induce their instantaneous vomit. Don?t miss it!

Directed by: MFX Media Trading GmbH Productions, Marcelo Cross
Starring: Adrielli, Chris, Leslie, Iohana Alvez
Running Time: 60 min

Leslie wartet schon sehr hungrig zu Hause auf ihre Freundin Iohana Alves die das Mittagessen mitbringen sollte . Als Iohana eintrifft wirkt sie glücklich, jedoch hat Iohana alles unterwegs bereits aufgegessen. Alles was sie tun können, ist sich jeweils auf den Anderen erbrechen und das wenigstens zu essen. Im 2. Teil fordert Chris ihre Freundin Adrielli auf schlafen zu gehen, aber Adrielli will mit Ihrem Dildo masturbieren. Ihr Dildo ist allerdings so groß wie ihre Freundin Chris und dann beginnen beide sofrot zu Erbrechen! !

Directed by: MFX Media Trading GmbH Productions, Marcelo Cross
Starring: Adrielli, Chris, Leslie, Iohana Alvez
Running Time: 60 min

Leslie est en attente de sa petite amie Iohana Alves provenir de la rue avec son déjeuner parce qu'elle est très faim. Lorsque Iohana arrive, elle est heureuse, mais c'est en vain, parce que Iohana dit, elle mangeait tout sur son chemin de la maison et tout ce qu'ils peuvent faire, c'est de manger des uns et des autres vomir. Sur la séquence, Chris Adrielli demande d'aller me coucher, mais veut Adrielli à se masturber elle-même en utilisant son gode, mais il ya une chose: son gode est aussi grand que sa petite amie de Chris et que va entraîner leur instantanée vomir. Ne la manquez pas!!

Directed by: MFX Media Trading GmbH Productions, Marcelo Cross
Starring: Adrielli, Chris, Leslie, Iohana Alvez
Running Time: 60 min

Leslie è attesa per la sua fidanzata Iohana Alves a venire dalla strada con il suo pranzo perché è molto affamati. Iohana quando arriva, lei si felice, ma è invano, perché dice che Iohana mangiato tutto per la sua strada di casa e tutto ciò che possiamo fare è di mangiare reciproche vomitare. Sulla sequenza, Chris Adrielli chiede di andare a dormire, ma vuole Adrielli masturbavo con se stessa il suo dildo, ma c'è una cosa: il suo dildo è grande come la sua fidanzata di Chris e che la loro istantanea indurre vomito. Da non perdere!!

Directed by: MFX Media Trading GmbH Productions, Marcelo Cross
Starring: Adrielli, Chris, Leslie, Iohana Alvez
Running Time: 60 min

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